... my wake up call today was oldest daughter with a verbal mental wander about what she would do with her morning communte when I die. Tomorrow. She said "Tomorrow." Now I'm wondering if she has inside information. I suggested that hopefully by the time I die she will have MADE A FRIEND. She reiterated "Tomorrow" with more emphasis. Remember you read it here. Someone call the cops if I don't wake up in the morning. They can call my kid and keep her company on her commute.
...there are horrible scary things that visit my backyard in the dark. Bugs with pinchers on their butts. I was out there tonight with my camera trying to get a picture of fireflies when the butt pincher bugs showed up. I'm going to have to do a search on bug reproduction because it looks like it might be challenging....
...what cruel and heartless rat put that mirror on the back of the door in the second bedroom? The one that had the flabby chick with the graying part line staring at me when I reached behind the door to pull out a mat board? Apparently it's a portal to a parallel world, one I'm never going to visit because I do not want to get to know the mirror chick.
...someone invited me to join their Facebook group today. I had to decline because I don't have a Facebook account. I consider it sometimes, out of sheer nosiness to know whatthehell is the big deal. But I keep coming back to the conclusion that my wall would be empty. Or worse, filled with posts from people I don't really want to talk to. Is there a friendly way to send a message of "NO!" when someone asks to be your friend on facebook and you don't want to let them into your inner sanctum? I don't think so. And then you have all these "friends" you're not all that keen to be friendly with and they probably feel the exact same way about you. Me.
...wet cool Thursdays aren't much better than rainy cold Wednesdays. They're worse actually

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