Today I had to resort to ticking off the days on my fingers to tell me it is Friday. Chemotherapy is on a Tuesday, Wednesday is a sleep deprivation blur, pump comes off must surely be Friday.

Kevin's headache is a little less intense today. We've learned a few tricks for staying on top of it--plenty of water, Tylenol BEFORE it's needed, rest and some exercise to clear the cobwebs. When he's able to, he likes to walk the woods out back, fill the feeders, check on the deer trails, see what they've eaten down to oblivion (including a Rubbermaid seed container on the patio). But this cold induced nerve pain from the drugs makes it hard on him to be outside for long. It's been a snowy sleet filled week. I decided the birds could manage with whatever was in the feeder for a few days-my knees don't like the hill in cold wet weather. So I was surprised when I looked up and saw Kevin trudging down the hill with the food. He said he saw my camera sitting by my desk and he guessed I was hoping to get some shots of the birds and deer feeding. So he filled the feeders.
I thought about scolding him for going out in the rotten weather, the wet sleet, the cold temperature. But, for a blessed change, my mind sped in front of my mouth and I saw how much he needs to know there are things he does to make my life easier, to make my day more pleasant; especially now when he is finding it so hard to have me doing things that have, traditionally, been his domain.
A couple of our daughters boyfriends have lamented that they can't stack up to this iconic legend of a dad and husband that Kevin has been. The ways he takes care of us.
The boyfriends are right. Those footprints of Kevin's--out there in the snow today, but all through our lives every day--those are pretty big footprints to follow in.
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