Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Infamous But(t)

Kevin's hiney has made it into the big time. Ok, only the local big time, but everyone has to start somewhere.

Given the disparity of medical opinion about his cancer and treatment, his oncologists are presenting his case to a review board. So a number of "experts" in their various fields--internists, oncologists, surgeons, gastroenterologists--will weigh in with an opinion on the state of Kevin's butt.

I expect a best selling book out of this and possibly a movie deal.

Mel Gibson can play his butt double. The man may be crazy as a loon but he still has a nice ass.

In the meantime, the efforts to halt cancer continue. The oncologist convinced Kevin to let her put him back on the chemotherapy schedule. Things are in place for him to continue and he can call the day before and cancel if he still feels strongly against more treatment.

He's really torn about what to do.
Statistically chemotherapy improves his survival, but what about the potential for additional damage which could lead to surgery?

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