When Kevin mentioned "drive thru" and "shopping" near lunch time yesterday and invited me to go, I made some assumptions. I should have remembered that--with the onset of cancer--Kevin has adopted a risk taking attitude which includes doing things like using certain words in a context far removed from what he knows I expect. In my world "drive thru" includes at least a Happy Meal and a Clown. And "shopping," in the absolute most basic sense, means a grocery store, if not a full fledged Mall (a thing I have not laid eyes upon for a month, much less entered.) Not so here. We

hit the "Drive Thru Barn" for shelled corn and bird food. For those doubters among you readers, take a look at the shelves of assorted critter food available. Llama chow, Dog chow, Horse chow, Goat chow...the only thing missing was People Chow. Just to make it count as a shopping trip, we also stopped at the post office to pick up our mail and buy some stamps.
"Shopping" in TinyTowne. Another revelation in my "new normal."
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