Thursday, September 27, 2007

Have a Safety Pin in Your Pocket

I talked to the oncologist in Ohio today.

I had a lot of questions about what Kevin's treatment would look like over there, how they do things, what she thinks of his prognosis, how she would handle hisneeds, his concerns, her experience and training... just a lot of questions.

Kevin and I sent an email to the oncology coordinator there at the Ohio clinic who passed our email along to the doctor. She called today as she was driving in to the clinic.

I am impressed that she took the time to call herself. Kevin wasn't home just then so we arranged things so that he could call back on her cell phone later in the day. In the meantime she answered a lot of my questions.

It was clear she had reviewed his case before we talked. And when I told her some of the specific questions Kevin had, she further prepared those answers before he called her back.

I'm impressed. This is the sort of care I want for him. Answers to our questions, explanations in real terms--neither blowing us off with dumbed down answers nor talking so scientifically we can't begin to comprehend.

She listened and she responded to him and his needs.

We were both impressed with the answers she provided us. They weren't always the answers we wanted to hear, but they were well based answers that made sense with what we already knew.

Two things stick with me.

One, she confirmed what we believed--Kevin's cancer is a Stage II cancer. A Stage IIa to be more precise. Not a Stage III as the nurse practitioner told us.

The prognosis for a Stage IIa rectal cancer patient is much better than for a Stage III patient.

Two, she is willing to take on his treatment care later in the game if need be. She understands why we are in Lafayette right now and she's willing to begin treating him in Ohio at any time if our situation changes.

There are options. Options are good. Another aspect of my Assbackward Optimism. Always have a fallback plan.

Dr. Skinner and Boyd Cancer Center are the safety pin in my cancer plan pocket.

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