Friday, September 21, 2007

Making It Work

Kevin loves his job. He likes the challenges and he likes being in the middle of solving the crisis of the day--and there's almost always a crisis of the day. His work is a large part of who he is.

One of the great blessings in our lives these past 7 weeks has been the support Kevin has gotten from his boss, co-workers and peers in the industry.

He's had cards, emails and phone calls letting him know he's in many prayers and thoughts.

His job has been arranged so that he can work from home the week of chemotherapy, travel to Ohio during his off week and return the following weekend to begin another chemotherapy week here while he works through teleconferencing.

I moved my sewing and the daycare things from one room which we've converted into a home office for Kevin. He's been unofficially back at work via phone and computer conferencing since the week he came home from the hospital. The on-loan recliner is in his office so he can rest as needed and be away from the ongoing bustle of the daycare.

I've had a few phone conversations with people whose names I've heard for 15 years but I've never met--industry contacts, fellow board members, long ago co-workers have all called the house to ask about his recovery.

Some have talked with one or both of us about their own battles with cancer--battles which we knew about in some instances and which were kept under wraps in others. We appreciate the candor and the trust they've placed in us by sharing their stories and experiences.

One guy in particular has been a great help. He was diagnosed with rectal cancer just about one year before Kevin so he has a lot of insight to offer on the process. And he has a killer dry wit very much suited to my own response to these things. Gary's information and humor have been invaluable.

The daycare kids all think Kevin is here to play with them so I have to work a little bit to keep both kids and husband focused on their own parts of the day. Hannah and Andi have already laid claim to him for after school hours to help with their homework. Knowing they would be roaring in around 4 p.m. has gone a long way to get Kevin rested and ready to roll before they show up each afternoon.

Sometimes he juggles math problems with Hannah on one computer and engineering problems on a second computer across the room.

If Kevin angles things just right he can have a snack with the littles as they wake up from afternoon naps. Then, about an hour later, can park himself tableside with Hannah and Andrea for an after school snack.

It's all working out so far and by the time Kevin is officially back at work we should have it choreographed like a ballet.

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