Friday, January 23, 2009

Plugging In

Three a.m. and I am wide awake, laying in bed and trying to decide what day of the week it is. I know the inauguration was Tuesday. Tuesday THIS week. So that would make today.....sometime after Tuesday. Thursday, maybe. Or Friday. I'm pretty sure about that.

It was my premier "oh crap" moment of the month--and this has been a month full of "Oh Crap" moments. I didn't name this blog "what day is it today" some 18 months ago for nothing. With Kevin's cancer diagnosis and all that followed so quickly, many of those early days morphed into a blur.

Or into a time trudging march of waiting, waiting, waiting which wears on me worse than a busy blur.

So I wasn't pleased this morning to realize that I, again, don't know the day of the week. Briefly I didn't know the date, the week in the month either, as I spent two days reminding Kevin of an appointment this Monday, February 2. Thankfully, something jolted me into the moment and I realized there is another week before his appointment. This is good. Arriving a week early for a 7:30 a.m. appointment wouldn't have started his Monday on a high note.

The goal for today is to get plugged back in. Find some sunshine in this dreary month of a dreary winter. Start something. Finish something. There are 30 some draft posts that I haven't posted here. Those will start showing up once I've edited some of the colorful language. (I told you it had been a month of "oh crap" moments.)

Oh, and in case you're wondering, it's Friday. All day.

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