Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Groundhog, er, Chemotherapy Day, Again

Yesterday we admired the newly planted flowers at the clinic. The girl scouts had planted them and the nurses were now lamenting that someone or something is pulling the flowers from the ground.

Having some familiarity with destruction in the garden, Kevin and I positioned ourselves to watch during his infusion.

Didn't take long before we were able to ID their culprit.

There's a certain irony in having a groundhog inhabit the garden at the cancer clinic. Remember the movie "Groundhog Day"--the guy had to keep repeating one day over and over, learning a little from each repeated day?
Chemotherapy keeps our life in a sort of GroundHog Day-esque sequence.
We count our days off in two week intervals around his treatments. Repeat (somewhat religiously, almost fanatically) what works, learn from what doesn't, get through it, wake up on any given day in the sequence and predict how it will go--'Day 4 after treatment, expect'....Repeat each day again every two weeks. You don't want to let go of what works and sometimes you can't get away from what doesn't.
Like Bill Murray's character in the movie, sometimes Kev thinks about a day from the past..."...THAT was a good day. Why couldn't I get that day over and over and over?"

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