Thursday, April 24, 2008


Nine down, three to go.

Kevin got the infusion pump off this morning--you can actually see him relax and feel better once that's gone. He's a little more nauseous today but managing ok.

We had a nice surprise in the mail today from our friends John and Elaina Balser. John is one of Kevin's oldest friends--he pre-dates even me in knowing Kevin. The Balsers attended the Papal Mass in Washington D.C. last week. Today we received two special rosaries, made to commemorate the papal visit, which were blessed by Pope Benedict at the conclusion of the mass.

John and Elaina had emailed us earlier about the incredible experience they had in attending the mass and had let us know they offered prayers for us while they waited for Mass to begin and again during the blessing of the various religious items in the possession of those attending the mass.

John and Elaina remind me of those Mastercard commercials. You know the ones where the voice-over sums up the costs associated with some aspect of life. The commercial for John and Elaina would conclude like this:
Friends like the Balsers.............Priceless.

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