Kevin had an early appointment today--8 a.m. It was pretty quiet in the clinic for the first hour or more so he got in a needed nap which has helped him through the day. Another couple of hours of napping this afternoon has helped tremendously.
Doctor added Magnesium to his medicines here at home because of low levels in his blood work. His hematocrit, RBC and platelets are low too, apparently part of the game. I'm taking all sharp objects away from him--don't want him bleeding out over a paper cut this week.
Gorgeous day today--upper 70s and sunny. We ate supper out on the patio tonight then stayed outside and Kevin caught up on some work via his laptop.

Kevin went down to fill the feeders--a far cry from that blizzard day a couple of months ago when I caught him trudging up the hill in the snow just hours after chemotherapy. He looks like a dedicated bird watcher out there--the infusion pump draped over one shoulder like a binocular case and his hat in place to shield his eyes from the glare and his balding head from a quick sunburn. He's lost some more weight and looks more frail this week.
All in all Kev says he's feeling pretty good though. Not as blasted as he immediately felt last treatment; a wonderful and unexpected blessing.

It's always such a roller coaster. There are no small health concernss for him right now because you always worry that they are indicative of some BIG something lurking below. We spend 11

So we go on from here and see where this week takes us on this road. He feels pretty good tonight, given the day. Even in the very real moments of side effects and doubts we remain certain of the blessings and bounty of our days.
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