***I've realized I can be creative or I can be neat and tidy. The two events will not occur simultaneously. A cataclysmic clash of worlds (and resulting tsunami wave of mess) occurs when I feel creative in multiple directions.
***The fabric/patterns/sewing stuff obliterating the dining table and the pile of tutorials/notes/doodles in front of my monitor are witness to the reality noted above.
***I would seriously consider donating a body part to the creator of the Wacom. Just to let him/her know how essential their product is in my day.
***There is something immensely satisfying about taking a yard of cloth or an empty frame on the computer and transforming it into something unique, amazing, beautiful.
***Sometimes you do hit a home run. As in scoring a most excellent job interview for a most excellent position as a graphics artist with some digital photography work thrown in for good measure. Yeah, that would be me. Now to round the bases without tripping....