The only program I'm admitting to vaguely wondering about is one for out of control mint consumers. LifeSavers Wint-O-Green mints to be precise. And you have to be precise because the others just won't cut it. Do you understand that? Don't hand me some cheap imitation or a nasty peppermint or crappy tictac. LifeSavers Wint-O-Green.
I've known I have a problem. After 15 or so, my tongue feels funny and my gut hurts, a burning pain that requires Pepcid AC to relieve.
Kevin keeps them stashed in his brief case and underwear drawer for those truly ugly moments. This time I instructed him not to enable me. No replenishing the hidden mother lode once I discovered and mined it. No emergency stash. Tough love.
I ran out in all the obvious places early last week. And the less obvious by that Tuesday morning. Perfect timing. I was on a nothing to eat order for 18 hours before surgery Wednesday and I would use that time to get through the first No Mints Hours. Made it to Thursday night before I started searching the house. By Sunday I had eliminated the stash in the console of our truck, searched the sock drawer and the toes of each sock in case my dear husband was getting wiley or actually thought I meant what I said about cutting off my supply.
This morning I found myself jonesing for mints in the seedy underside of the passenger seat of the Rendevous. I scored three, wrapped and pristine. I'll admit I would have eaten them if they were unwrapped and sticky with carpet fuzz.
If I wasn't kicking the habit I would be interested in the online site I found, totally by accident, today. http://us.myflavia.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3457750 Notice the box you can tick for auto delivery. No more slinking into CVS for a bag and stopping into the WalGreen's down the road for another. Not that I'm interested. Not at all.
Interesting blog!
ReplyDeletesqueaky carts
hmmm....Mr. L. says "Interesting" when supper is a cobbled together plate of whatever is left in the refrigerator at the end of the weekend. I know he means "Great, she's feeding me crap again."