Some sort of nasty bell pepper dwelling caterpillar was my first guess when I found it inside the pepper-formerly-destined for Kevin's stir fry.
It's something inanimate growing in the pepper. Probably harmless, maybe a seed that's sprouted. But who knows? Maybe it's some "harmless" growth spurred by a chemically induced misfire in bell pepper DNA. Possibly it's the vegetable equivalent of my over-abundant estrogen fueled cell rampage.
Whatever it is, the last time I saw something that creepy looking growing in what otherwise appeared to be a healthy happy place was two years ago when a doctor showed me photos of the tumor he had just found during Kev's colonoscopy.
And that happy epidsode resulted in major surgery for Kevin followed by almost a year's worth of radiation and chemotherapy.
The Misses Lorri have always blamed my meat loaf for that entire incident. I've suspected all along that it was the vegetables. They look all healthy and good for you but you never know what secrets they're hiding.
This is why I've avoided vegetables as much as possible throughout my adult life. You can't trust 'em.
Holy Cow Batman....that looks creepy. Thinking twice about red peppers! I had the same thing happen with MacGyver on meatloaf! Really!!!!....how strange is that!