Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tentative Landlords

Kevin was far beyond ready for the infusion pump to come off this morning. By last night I could see the antsy anticipation that comes with the counting down of hours. By Wednesday night he's tired but he can't sleep well and more of the side effects are beginning to creep into his day.

With the infusion pump stored away for another 12 days or so, he was ready to get on with his day. Tylenol every 4 hours is keeping the worst of the chemotherapy headache at bay and we've made a few adjustments in our eating habits to accomodate the changes that are part of treatment.

Tonight we have a new role on our minds. We're about to become landlords. Someone approached us about leasing the house in Lafayette. We hand't planned to do anything with it for at least the short term and maybe long term. But the chance to recoup some of what it's costing to keep it sounded good.

With Kevin returning to chemotherapy treatment, I clearly won't be returning to live in the house anytime soon.

The down side is that the tenants need the place on April 1. So there's no time to think about it, we have to just jump in. And we have a lot to do. We left the place basically ready to stay in short term or even move back into.

It's filled to the rafters with our stuff.

So we'll be driving over on Friday night to begin a whirlwind reduction of "stuff" and get the house ready to host a new young family.

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