Josh and Paige came over for a couple of days of his spring break week. The energy of a 6 year old boy should be packaged and sold!
He wore us out in the nice way grandchildren having of exhausting their elders!

We met them at the Air Force Museum in Dayton, then ate at Josh's favorite joint--City Barbeque. Stopped at Caesar's Creek gorge on the way home. Josh, Paige and Kevin hiked up above the spillway to get an up close view of the torrential amount of water being released due to the area flooding. At one point Kevin was so intent on getting a photo of the outflow that he failed to see the wave crashing over the wall where he stood. Joshua broke some land speed records to get back to me and tattle on Grandpa for getting all wet.
The chance to get outside and walk was so clearly good for Kevin--he feels much better! So we're tired and he's still thawing out from his drenching but it was a good day.
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