Kate herself was a breech baby who was turned at the last moment but still delivered face first, neck flexed back in an apparent eagerness to see what the world offered once she was headed in the right direction to get there. She was also 3 weeks past her due date. All of which, I now realize, was a bit of foreshadowing as to just who this new little person was destined to become.
The news of her own rightsideupsidedown kid, and the doctor's eagerness to simply schedule a c-section, threw Kate for a loop. For about 15 minutes. After which she rallied, met with her doula for some regrouping and researched her options. That's my girl. Arm yourself with information then wear down the medical opposition.
Sunday morning at 8 AM one of the partners in her doctor's practice is going to try to coax this baby into turning and facing life head on. It's a hospital manuever where the baby is monitored while they do some external prodding in the hopes that baby will reposition.
We're going to head over late on Saturday and be at the hospital Sunday morning to offer a bit of (grand)parental support. There's some small chance an immediate c-section could result but it's not likely.
Kate thinks her troubles will be over if Baby Gizmo cooperates and upsidedownrightsides him/herself. I can smile that secretive smile of a mother who knows much better. Kate's life adventures with a "do it my own way" kid are just beginning!
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