Leftover meatloaf, breakfast of champions. The kind made with hamburger. From a cow. None of the pasty looking turkey stuff. And not that 95% fat free ground beef either. This is hamburger with a nice greasy feel to it.
My rationale is that NED is supposed to be sticking to Kev like a bur. So he can't be here judging me and the meatloaf. He's in Kev's office, judging Kev and the illicit Pepsi I know is perched on the edge of Kev's desk.
Do you hear me, NED? Pepsi! Probably a 16 oz. bottle! And I'll bet there are chocolate Hostess cupcakes in the bottom drawer. You think you've got time to fixate on my breakfast when Kev's got chocolate melted on his fingers, cake crumbs inhis moustache and Pepsi on his breath?
Just so you don't think I've totally discounted NED's lessons, the meatloaf is covered in ketchup. I think the Reagan administration brought us ketchup as a vegetable. Which means I am having a serving of vegetables with my breakfast. And grains. There's oatmeal holding all that greasy hamburger together. Don't the oatmeal people run some ad about it being heart healthy and full of fiber?
NED, I'm doing you proud.
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