We visited with Hannah, Andj and Evan. Took Christmas presents over and left them elbow deep in activities at the kitchen table. It felt good to sit around and talk with them while we worked; a flashback of what we miss from the past. They're doing well, though, in school and at home. Sometimes getting what you've wished and prayed for is a bittersweet thing! You know, you want them to do well--great, actually--but you would kind of, sort of, just a little bit, like to be essential?
So, after we were Pixo-ed out with the kids, we met Mike and Scheryl at Arni's for pizza and Juniors. You just can't duplicate those things somewhere else--Arni's Juniors or friendships you measure in decades.
Kevin worked throughout the day via phone, text and email. The wonders of file sharing technology. He's kicked back now finishing the day's tasks on his computer. He's not feeling great. Probably a cold settling in but it always tugs at my worry strings when something changes with him.
Had dinner at the farm with my sister and her family. Conversation was dominated by the boys earnestly telling us how much they want an earring and a tattoo. And why neither will be happening. My sister explained it best by telling them she didn't get them with tattoos or earrings so she's not returning them with tattoos or earrings. The boys are on loan from their families in Denmark and Brazil through a student exchange program for this school year. They have quickly found a place in all of our hearts and we're enjoying them tremendously.

It's nice to be settled in for the night without driving the distance to a hotel. The drive to the farm from Lafayette today was treacherous with cars in ditches along the way. It's really slick tonight with a cold rain now falling on the layer of ice and sleet from earlier. Now that we're safely inside (after Kevin took a spill down the front steps of the house--the ice coupled with the continued problems from chemotherapy damage makes it downright dangerous for him), the ice buildup on the trees and bushes is actually sparkling and pretty.
There's a pecan pie baking in the oven and the house is smelling wonderful. The tree looks pretty next to the fireplace here, presents piled below. I've set the dining room table with the holiday china which I carted over from Ohio and the cookies I baked earlier have left a nice cinnamony smell.
It's not our home, but it's home for this holiday and it's going to work out ok.
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