Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baby News

Talked to Kate tonight. She had an appointment with her doctor this week. James was able to go with her so he got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time.

Gizmo has expanded Kate's tummy by 5 inches since her last visit and she's gained a pound. One pound. I think she could gain a little more, but then, I don't think I ever gained a pound between visits when I was pregnant. Four pounds, five pounds, six pounds. Never one.

James' current favorite name for a baby boy is "Jude." St. Jude, patron of desparate causes. There's something appropriate here.

Kate says not to get attached to the name because James has a new favorite each week. I'm just pleased "Clyde" was discarded a few weeks ago. And our fear of "Sunshine Moonbeam Morrow" doesn't appear to be on the horizon.

They settled on a girl's name right away and it appears to have stuck with everyone. June Elise. Elise is Paige's middle name. Kelly, my sister and my mother all have birthdays in June. So the baby would be named for her aunts and great-grandmother which would be very nice.

In the meantime the baby continues to be known as "Gizmo" within our immediate family. Josh has great plans for little Gizzy and great hopes that Gizzy enters this world as a 5 or 6 year old boy!

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