Josh's reasoning for phoning me is that I am HER mother so I can punish her.
His mom tells me that after whatever it was she did (I think it involved spilling water that landed on him), Josh said "May I see your phone please? What's your mother's phone number?" Then he scooted to the other end of the sofa and announced, "I'm telling on you."
I offered to take away her car--which Josh thought was a great idea until I cautioned him that, without a car, mom wouldn't be taking him anywhere.
When he gets a little older he will understand that it does no good to call me to punish his mom. How does he think she got that way in the first place?
In the meantime, this is another part of the whole "grand" portion of grandparenting. Briefly, I am Top Dog. The Final authority. The One Who Knows All.
I'm going to live it up for the short time it lasts. He's bound to put two and two together soon and realize I am Cause, his mom is Effect.
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