Made an appointment with Dr. Skinner to meet in a month and talk about his ongoing observation. She brought up the 5-8 weeks of additional chemoradiation. Kevin declined. Again.
Kevin continues to feel confident about his decision to have no additional treatments. What I want is for Kevin to be in a place where he will feel it was the right decision now, no matter what the future brings. I can support that kind of decision.
Since it's chemotherapy day, he got to call lunch. Today it was White Castle. With extra pickles. He always says he doesn't feel like eating and only wants 1 or 2 of the little grease bombs. Then he always eats 4.
There's something wrong about the image of the guy with rectal cancer eating White Castle burgers--sort of like the guy with lung cancer who smokes as he leaves the clinic after chemotherapy.
Side effects are as usual--headache creeping in, cold sensitivity increasing in his mouth and hands, nasty taste worsening. I saw him looking at his chemotherapy pump this evening. I know he was reassuring himself that it is, indeed, counting down the hours.
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