Made it through the day. It wasn't nearly as bad for Kevin as it might have been. He didn't get that nauseous reaction to the sedative this time. He's becoming acclimated to the invasions of his body so at least anxiety doesn't add to the burden.
The nurses at the GI center remembered us from a few weeks ago. Three of them stopped to tell us how sad they felt the last time we were there and to remind Kevin that he is in a good place and will do well. "We can fix this" is what we heard from each one.
Even better, one of them mentioned that we could request a private room for Kevin's hospital stay which would ensure that I could stay with him the entire time. She even submitted the request for us! There are no guarantees but this makes a private room more likely. I am beyond thankful for her help!
Kevin hasn't eaten since yesterday because of needing to prep for today's event. And by the time he was released today, we were into the prep period for tomorrow's surgery so no food again. He can drink clear juices and water until midnight tonight.
I think going without food is a little easier than it might sound. The stress of what's about to happen--especially the large quantity of unknown--has dimmed his appetite considerably.
I've packed a backpack with what we may need for the next few days. Kevin wants a Harry Potter book, a rosary and--you guessed this, right?--his cell phone. We'll negotiate for the cell phone in a few days.
At the bottom of my backpack is a soft fleece blanket for Kevin. The Health Ministry at St. Tom's gave it to him. It has a pocket on it embroidered with St. Tom's logo. I handed stacks of 3 x 5 notecards to friends and family with instructions to write a note, a prayer, a joke, share a story...anything that would keep Kevin going in the weeks to come. They are to take the extra cards and ask anyone they want to do the same then return the finished cards to me. I plan to slip the cards, a few at a time, into the pocket for Kevin to find as he needs them. It will remind him that many people are thinking of him, praying for him and loving him.
I've already received a nice stack of finished cards. There are scripture verses and encouraging thoughts, jokes, prayers and stories on them. Some are from people we know; many are from friends of friends--people we've never met, probably never will meet. All are a witness to the faith of each writer and their desire to help someone get through something tough.
I'm pleased, appreciative and awed by the response. The absolute faith.
Kev's going to be ok.
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